Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context

Community of practice

Youth engagement in the Prevention and Countering of Violent Extremism: RAN takes the “Nimble (NMBL)” approach

Wednesday, 20 March, 2019

The most recent Issue Paper published by RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network) of the European Commission is the 2018 publication “A Nimble (NMBL) Approach to Youth Engagement in P/CVE”. Its purpose is to provide practitioners working with young people with a step-by-step guide on how to best engage them in initiatives that seek to prevent or counter violent extremism.

The handbook uses the NMBL Approach, a framework based on the philosophy of effective youth engagement in planning and project design, and it offers a matrix which follows four key steps: 1. NAME the problem; 2. MAP the solution; 3. BUILD with the best tools; 4. LEAD by example. The paper highlights the idea that practitioners should be “nimble” (NMBL) enough to deal with all kinds of challenges. Further reading and resources on the issue are also cited at the end of the guidebook.

The RAN papers consolidate RAN’s expertise and knowledge on radicalisation and violent extremism into an accessible format, with up-to-date information. They present the latest research findings – collected by the RAN Centre of Excellence – and include input from first-line practitioners.