Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context

Community of practice

The Radicalisation Awareness Network launches new web section gathering media resources

Monday, 4 March, 2019

The European Commission network RAN (Radicalisation Awareness Network) brings together frontline or grassroots practitioners from around Europe to share experiences and knowledge, as well as providing a global platform to pool expertise in order to tackle radicalisation.

RAN’s newest addition to its webpage is RAN Media – a platform for sharing videos and podcasts which mainly focuses on various aspects of their work. A wide range of materials are available, including videos of seminars and conferences, and outlining policies and practices.

This includes resources, for example, within the RAN Young project – a Working Group for young people (18-25) who are familiar with the issues involved in countering violent extremism, in either a professional or volunteer context. The Working Group gives them the opportunity to exchange ideas and experiences, and address recommendations to first line practitioners and policy makers. 

Source: RAN