Strengthening Juvenile Justice Systems in the counter-terrorism context

Community of practice

New publication: ‘Mon enfant se radicalise’

Thursday, 14 June, 2018

‘Mon enfant se radicalise. Des familles de djihadistes et des jeunes témoignent’, written by sociologists Vincent de Gaulejac and Isabelle Seret, seeks to answer the questions of why jihadism is appealing for some young people, as well as how we can deal with those who have been radicalised and those at risk.

This publication is the result of the work done within the programme ‘Rien à faire, rien à perdre’, developed by the book authors and carried out in Belgium with the support of the Schaerbeek municipality, which aimed to create a pedagogical resource for the prevention of radicalisation using videos of testimonies from radicalised youth as well as their families.

This book uses those testimonies as well and stresses the importance of involving the families of those affected by radicalisation. These individuals' stories throw light on the motives that drive young people towards radicalisation, and point towards ways of stopping this.